On the road a lot

Since our last post, we have been into the city of Dnipro often. On Saturday, December 22, there was an event at Nellie's church where they hosted a youth/young adult event that focused on how we live out our lives as Christians in the work place. The main speaker for the night talked about being who we say we are, whether or not the choices that go with that are easy to make or not, even if it costs us our job. Lots of good thoughts for all of us to think about. I was a little nervous about the ride home as it was raining, but it stayed above freezing thankfully. Youth speaker On Sunday, we were back into Dnipro for church. After church, we went out to Puzata Hata for lunch where they serve some very good Ukrainian food. We all enjoyed our meal. When we got home, we walked out to the dairy barn to get some milk. Scott has never been a big milk drinker, unless it comes in the form of ice cream, and then his appetite for milk dramatically increases. Shannon was ra...