On the road a lot

Since our last post, we have been into the city of Dnipro often. On Saturday, December 22, there was an event at Nellie's church where they hosted a youth/young adult event that focused on how we live out our lives as Christians in the work place. The main speaker for the night talked about being who we say we are, whether or not the choices that go with that are easy to make or not, even if it costs us our job. Lots of good thoughts for all of us to think about. I was a little nervous about the ride home as it was raining, but it stayed above freezing thankfully.

Youth speaker

On Sunday, we were back into Dnipro for church. After church, we went out to Puzata Hata for lunch where they serve some very good Ukrainian food. We all enjoyed our meal. When we got home, we walked out to the dairy barn to get some milk. Scott has never been a big milk drinker, unless it comes in the form of ice cream, and then his appetite for milk dramatically increases. Shannon was raised on a farm where they milked a cow and she is thoroughly enjoying the transition back to farm milk.

Monday was busy for Shannon as she was making buns for Christmas dinner with the students. It dawned on Shannon a day or two before, making buns was going to be different for her. In Canada, she has a Bosch machine that does all the hard work. Needless to say, making buns this time around was a bit more of a workout. The final outcome was still the same...the buns were Great!

In late afternoon, we were on our way to Dnipro once again for a Christmas Eve service at Nellie's church. There were about 12 of us from the farm and Victor met us at the church. The Central Baptist Church in Dnipro is very large with amazing talent from all ages. It is also a very beautiful church with an amazing chandelier in the center and a number of smaller ones around the perimeter. A picture of the main chandelier will be attached.

Christmas Eve service

Beautiful chandelier

The drive in for the Christmas Eve service was very good with dry roads, but by the time the service was over, the snow was starting to fall. By the time we got to our turnoff, the highway was white and I wondered what it would be like for Christmas morning as the plan was to return for the Christmas service. When we got up in the morning, the snow had stopped and it had been raining (+3 C) for a few hours and the roads were safe, but mucky. On the way home, it was starting to cool off and I was thinking the roads were going to be a challenge for Victor as he was driving out for our Christmas supper. Victor got here without problems, but the 45 minute drive took closer to 3 hours going home.

Before we shared our Christmas meal together, Scott share for a few minutes on the importance of Christmas and why we celebrate Jesus' birth and life.

The Christmas meal of chili, rice and buns and a few salads, was all very good! After the meal, we handed out Christmas gifts to each of the students that Teresa had prepared before she left for Canada at the end of November.  We also had some large chocolate bars for everyone to take home. After supper, Shannon and I watched "White Christmas."

Christmas dinner

Nikolia & Alona's son Daniel

Playing a game of Uno after supper
The next day was a bit of a lazy day. We put up some wall art that was our Christmas gift to each other. The one picture is of a rising sun and it brightens us up as there hasn't been a lot of sun since we arrived in Ukraine. We know that will change but the cloudy weather gets old fast when we are used to the sunshine we get in Saskatchewan year round.

Yesterday we took our car to the city to purchase insurance for it. Now we have peace of mind while travelling. Yesterday was also a special day for my parents as they celebrated 61 years of marriage! They are a great example to all of us!

Back to learning Russian! Take care until next time! HAPPY NEW YEAR!



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