First full week in Ukraine

Well, it is one week ago that we landed in Kiev. We have had a busy week cleaning our new home. We are very thankful for the work Garry and Teresa and their work teams have done to give us such a wonderful home to live in. We are blessed! Most of our time has been spent cleaning within our home. There is gyproc dust and construction dust pretty much everywhere and that is to be expected with all the construction that has taken place. Each day we accomplish a bit more and we are seeing a lot more change with each passing day. We attended our first birthday party last Thursday for Sasha. We had a baked potato and a meat sandwich for supper and cake and ice cream later. When we get some ice cream, we will attach a photo one day as it is a unique container. Shannon went with Garry and Teresa to Dnipro last Friday and did purchase a wardrobe, which is now put together and in use. That emptied four suitcases! The closet will be something we tackle next as they are empty rooms ...