Great News!

So the doctor's appointment finally arrived, and as usual, it was quite short! The little calcified lumps were benign!! Yeah!!!! Now we can get on with moving to Ukraine.

From the doctor's office we went to the car and made some phone calls and sent out an email. We notified our family and called our travel agent to pay for the tickets we had asked her to hold for us. We leave from Edmonton on Monday, November 19th at 10:15 am and arrive in Kiev on Tuesday at 1:10 pm.

So begins the next phase of the journey. Now we get to do all the last-minute things - laundry, prepping the car  for storage, weighing the suitcases, calling family, ...

Scott preaches one last time in Cut Knife this Sunday and then friends will take us to Lloydminster to our daughter's place. She will drive us to a hotel near the airport later that day.

Stay tuned for pictures and details of the flights and connections and our arrival in Ukraine next week.


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