While we wait

In my mind, I thought it would be longer until we experienced winter this year, but life is full of surprises!! So here we are, looking out the window to a different kind of beauty, the kind many people around the world miss out on. Watching the sparrows fluff up their feathers to keep warm, seeing the snowflakes fall gently to the ground making everything look clean and cozy are some of the things we won't be seeing as much of in Ukraine. But we have pictures!

Today Scott braved the cold (-20 something) to shovel off the deck and driveway. I watched from inside! We have been enjoying a time of quiet together as we relax in Imperial. We've been watching (too many) Christmas movies, reading and playing cribbage while we wait for my follow-up appointment with the doctor on Tuesday.
Cleaning the driveway
Last week we took in a Celebrate Recovery Networking workshop in Red Deer. Celebrate Recovery is a Christian process to wholeness from all kinds of life's hurts, hang-ups and habits. We learned some things that we can use in ministry in Ukraine.

After that, we went to spend two nights with Rachelle and her kids. Rachelle had made a yummy almond and raspberry cake for my birthday. Mmmm, good!

Nana and Papa with Sam, Melania, Emerson and Barrett
Birthday cake
 Monday we drove to Lloydminster where we had lunch with supporters, apple cider with new friends, supper with a young couple we had met at Manitou Lake Bible Camp in August, and then we stayed two nights with Lindsay and Bill and their family.

Nana and Papa with Spencer and Sydney

Spencer and Sydney played hooky from school on Tuesday and we did some baking - chocolate peanut butter pie in the morning and two bite chocolate brownie truffles in the afternoon. Scott took Spencer to his hockey practice in the afternoon and Sydney and I painted our nails.

Peanut Butter Pie construction
Brownie Truffle Cups in progress

Face Off!
This Sunday is Remembrance Day, a time to reflect on the sacrifices of others in the pursuit of peace. We are so thankful for the sacrifice Jesus made for us to be reconciled to God with His death on the Cross. We trust that you, too, are thankful.


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