First Pictures

Our flights went well; the landings were terrific! We had very great pilots!! My (Shannon) ears and the air pressure changes didn't get along so well, unfortunately. We cleared customs and retrieved our luggage, all of it, without any issues. We waited in Kiev airport for about 45 minutes for Garry and Teresa to arrive from Spain.

We met Stephen and Jo from Zaporozia and their two sons, and we all piled into Garry's van and drove home. We stopped part way at McDonald's for supper. The young man who took our order was a university graduate with a degree in engineering. Really! Sadly, the pay is better at McDonald's than in his field of study.

We drove to Zaporozia to drop off Stephen, Jo and the boys and then went back to Nikolipolia. We crawled into bed around midnight (I think) and had a great sleep.

The next morning after toast and tea, we got to see our house and haul our bags in. By then I (Shannon) was feeling the ill effects of the honey in my tea :(. We then went to Dnepro to start stocking the house and get a few groceries. I was quite sick until supper time when the honey had eventually worked its way out of my stomach!

Our house

Victor met us at the Jysk store. We transferred all of our shopping into his van, went back to a previous store to buy a mattress and then he drove us home (Garry and Teresa had an appointment in the opposite direction).

We did a little bit of cleaning, had a late supper of scrambled eggs and put our bed together. It is very comfortable and warm!

The dining room/kitchen end of the house


Living room

Our Sitting room/ future office

Master bedroom
Today was spent doing more cleaning (gyproc and construction dust gets on everything!), learning how to work the water heaters and trying to find things in the suitcases. It will be good when we get everything wiped down so we can lay things out and put them away.

We have to buy a wardrobe and install shelves and rods in the closets and then we can put the clothes away. For now, I plan to rearrange the suitcases to make it easier to find what we want.

There was a staff meeting at Garry and Teresa's this afternoon. We met Yana, the barn manager, and Vovo, one of the men's dorm parents. Victor brought cherry buns, which were yummy. Tonight there is birthday cake for one of the students.


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