
Showing posts from August, 2018

Commissioning Service

Sunday, August 26th was the Commissioning Service at Good Shepherd Community Church here in Cut Knife. It was a great service! It was good to be back with our church family again! The last time we were in this church was Easter Sunday.   We were blessed to have our daughter, Lindsay, and her kids here. Lindsay sang a special song, "Send Me Out" . Scott's parents were here as well. That was very special for us. Also, a few of our regular supporters, members of our T.E.A.M. Ukraine, were able to be here! Some of them we met for the first time that day. Other T.E.A.M. Ukraine members stopped in later in the afternoon.   Lindsay singing "Send Me Out" Daryl and Molly Porter, EFCCM Europe Directors, were able to be here as well. Daryl shared a very powerful and encouraging message for us as we go to Ukraine and for the congregation as they send us out. As a tangible gift, he gave us each a rock with the words Faith, Hope, and Love, Truth, Humility ...

Family Camp Week

Oops! It's been a while since we wrote anything. Sometimes not everything gets done on time. Since returning from Alberta, Scott was busy preparing to speak at Manitou Lake Bible Camp's Family Camp. He kind of hibernated down in the office all week, coming upstairs for meals and sleeping.   August 19th we spoke in Lloydminster at Lloydminster Gospel Fellowship. Our daughter, Lindsay, and her family attends there so we got to spend a little time with them that day. Nana even got to braid Sydney's hair before church! We enjoyed visiting with folks after the service, talking about a range of ministry related things. We enjoyed lunch with Pastor Darrell and Sharon, Lindsay and Spencer after church. I didn't stay at the Camp all week. I traveled back and forth a few times. While I was home I stained the front step and washed the boardwalk in preparation for staining it when the weather co-operates. Before After   Scott had a great time ministering to peopl...

EFCCM National Conference 2018

National Conference in Lethbridge was great! Reconnecting with friends, meeting new people, hearing stories of what God is doing, being encouraged and challenged from the Word are some of the things that made this time special. We are so glad we were able to be there! Probably about 200 people were in attendance, as you can see in this photo. The volunteers at Lethbridge Evangelical Free Church did a fantastic job of making us feel welcome! The food was great and there was lots of room for hanging out with friends and chatting about life and ministry. Thanks Harold and Lorraine for your hospitality. Visiting around the tables after the banquet The weather was very warm (40 C), but that is getting us ready for summers in Ukraine! Average temperatures there are 35 - 40 C in July and August. After Conference, we were able to meet some T.E.A.M. supporters (Don and Susan took us out for supper) on our way to Red Deer. We shared about Ukraine at Unity Baptist Church, our churc...

Alberta Road Trip

What do you know! It hasn't been a whole week since our last post!! Serving at Manitou Lake Bible Camp (Wednesday, August 1) was a lot of fun, and a lot noisier than I remembered! There were 115 campers plus counselors at each meal. We spent the day cooking and cleaning, serving food and talking. 115 Hungry Kids! Wednesday's volunteers In the Dish Pit That evening our daughter, Rachelle, and her kids had a sleepover at our house on their way visit family and friends in various parts of Saskatchewan. We got packed up later that day for our own road trip to Alberta. We spent two nights visiting Rob and Cherise in Okotoks. They showed us the famous "Big Rock" near the city and took us to a honey farm.  On the Big Rock Rob and Cherise and Fin Sunday we were sharing at GraceLife EFC in Calgary. We had some great conversations about what God is doing in their neighbourhood and we met many friendly and encouraging people, including a lady who was ...