Family Camp Week

Oops! It's been a while since we wrote anything. Sometimes not everything gets done on time. Since returning from Alberta, Scott was busy preparing to speak at Manitou Lake Bible Camp's Family Camp. He kind of hibernated down in the office all week, coming upstairs for meals and sleeping.

August 19th we spoke in Lloydminster at Lloydminster Gospel Fellowship. Our daughter, Lindsay, and her family attends there so we got to spend a little time with them that day. Nana even got to braid Sydney's hair before church! We enjoyed visiting with folks after the service, talking about a range of ministry related things. We enjoyed lunch with Pastor Darrell and Sharon, Lindsay and Spencer after church.

I didn't stay at the Camp all week. I traveled back and forth a few times. While I was home I stained the front step and washed the boardwalk in preparation for staining it when the weather co-operates.


 Scott had a great time ministering to people and getting to know new people during the week. After the last service there was a camp fire with Smores! Yum, yum.
Wrap-up Campfire
Enjoying Smores!
Thank you so much for everyone who was praying for him. God answers prayer!
We have rented out our house for October 1st,  so we have 5 weeks to have everything packed away and cleaned up. No pressure at all!! Scott will be researching the best place to buy a SeaCan to store our belongings and the car in.

Tomorrow is a big day! It is our Commissioning Service at Good Shepherd Community Church here in Cut Knife (10:30 am). Daryl and Molly Porter, Europe Director with the EFCCM, will be here along with many family, friends and guests. More about that next time!

Keep your eyes open as you travel around the countryside. The farmers are busy harvesting the world's food. Please be patient behind their equipment. Maybe say a prayer as you wait!


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