Commissioning Service

Sunday, August 26th was the Commissioning Service at Good Shepherd Community Church here in Cut Knife. It was a great service! It was good to be back with our church family again! The last time we were in this church was Easter Sunday.
We were blessed to have our daughter, Lindsay, and her kids here. Lindsay sang a special song, "Send Me Out". Scott's parents were here as well. That was very special for us. Also, a few of our regular supporters, members of our T.E.A.M. Ukraine, were able to be here! Some of them we met for the first time that day. Other T.E.A.M. Ukraine members stopped in later in the afternoon.

Lindsay singing "Send Me Out"

Daryl and Molly Porter, EFCCM Europe Directors, were able to be here as well. Daryl shared a very powerful and encouraging message for us as we go to Ukraine and for the congregation as they send us out. As a tangible gift, he gave us each a rock with the words Faith, Hope, and Love, Truth, Humility and Grace written on them to help us remember to live for the Lord every day so we can be effective in ministry in Ukraine. If we get our focus off of God, we won't be successful in His work.
Daryl Porter sharing the message
Our reminder rock

Thank you speech
I got called to work at the Post Office this week. It has been probably 6 months since I was there! Lots of new things to learn. Tomorrow I'm on my own there for the whole day!
Tomorrow after work I will be traveling with my Dad and step mom to my cousin's funeral in Porcupine Plain, SK.

With the little bits of rain, harvest is slowing down a bit. We are both looking forward to being in the combine for a week or two this fall, me in the Imperial area and Scott here in Cut Knife area. That being said, our blog might not be so regular over the next few weeks if the weather warms up enough for us to be in the field.
Keep the farmers in your prayers over this busy season of long days and late nights.


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