
Life is continuing to move along here in Ukraine. We have a few more things to do as we have begun our English class follow-up classes on Sunday afternoons. We are also getting together with all the students once every two weeks for a group supper and devotional.

We continue to work at learning Russian and slowly but surely there is some headway being made. We really appreciate our tutor Ulzana, who comes twice a week for two hour classes. She is patient with us and can explain the many questions that we often have.

Since our last blog, we had another get together with the Hope For Each students. We gather at 5 pm and the first thing we do is share a devotional and answer questions. We are thankful for their participation and really appreciate Victor and his translation abilities. Without him being here, it would be just a meal together, but we want it to be so much more. We want to introduce them to Jesus so they can know that He is faithful to walk with them through every situation in life and that we can fully trust Him. We had 18 for supper last time and there isn't a lot of leftovers when it is all said and done.
Devotional time

Supper with the students

Supper with the students

The next time we meet with the students will be on November 11 when we have a Thanksgiving meal that comes between the Canadian and American celebrations. All of our staff from Hope For Each will also be here to join in the celebration. We have encouraged the students to come prepared to share what they are thankful for in their lives.

A couple of nights after our last supper meeting, five of the students stopped in for a little over an hour to share a cup of tea and some cookies. Our translater that night was Google Translate. Some of the students are learning some English, so Shannon went through the colors with them and they with us. Even though our phones did a lot of the translating, we had a blast in what we shared with each other. We had some very good laughs and it was fun! We hope to do it again.
Tea time with the students

We continue to meet at 2 pm on Sunday afternoons with our English Club. We have a smaller group, although it fluctuates from week to week. One lady comes each week and brings her son and daughter with her and they speak very good English and participate well in our class. This last Sunday I told them we would bring a Canadian treat with us - Hawkins Cheezies! They are a  treat made in Canada and unfortunately you can only buy them in Canada. Andrey is seven years old and would not try them because he does not like cheese. He finally decided to try one and then he continued to participate in eating them. Everyone liked them very much!
English class

We finished Mark 1 this past week and really enjoy the participation from the class. Shannon usually has a game to play and it was really neat how it played out on Sunday. It was a folded over story and no one can see what was written on the previous line. It all fit together very well and turned into a story with Cheezies being a part of it.

Last Friday, November 1, was a very special time for us as our daughter, Ashley flew into the Zaparoshia Airport from Istanbul where she had spent some time touring the city. She leaves again on November 6 in the morning, but it has been such a blessing having her with us. Ashley was here to help celebrate her Mom's 55th birthday!! The weather hasn't been real conducive to seeing some sights and Ashley has enjoyed the rest and the quietness of having a room all of her own as she was staying in a hostel in Istanbul.

Yesterday, we did drive back into Dnipro to go down to the waterfront and walk and take some pictures. We also checked out the art market and then went over to Ozerka to pick up a few things. .
Shannon and Ashley

Shannon and Ashley along the Dniper River

We returned home in time to go over to Garry and Teresa's for pizza as they were having the students in for supper. Garry even got a game of spoons going after supper.

Game of spoons

We returned home to share Shannon's birthday pie (lemon) and watch a movie with popcorn. Today it is raining so we will enjoy our time at home with Ashley before she heads to Romania tomorrow and then back to Canada after seeing some of their sights.

Lemon birthday pie

We have our regular staff meeting this afternoon and we will be planning for our dinner next week with the students, as well as other topics.


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