November's end draws near

There is hardly ever a dull moment here. It seems there is always something to do. That must be why I haven't been reading any books lately!! Maybe winter will give us some time for that.

Shannon is teaching English class for the students while Teresa is in Canada. She is finding it challenging, but fun. Her big fear is that one day she will forget and be late for class! The students get candy if they are on time. I wonder what Shannon will get if she is late?

Teaching English

The letter 'T'
Some of the students came for tea and cookies last week. They must have really enjoyed themselves last time, because there were more of them this time! Word of mouth and personal invitations are powerful and effective! We had tea, coffee and hot chocolate (some had all three!) with our double chocolate cookies and we played a few games. We ran out of real cups and had to use paper ones! We bought more cups for the future.

Tea time

Tea time
We have installed plastic panelling on the ceiling in our bathroom and bedroom. We were getting grossed out by the things that were falling from the attic through the gaps in the boards. Although we really like the character and beauty of the natural wood, we will enjoy not having to clean and disinfect!

Bathroom ceiling in progress

Bathroom ceiling finished

Bedroom ceiling before

Bedroom ceiling in progress. They look a bit similar.

Bedroom ceiling finished.
At our student supper this week, we were able to pass along some blessings from a group of ladies in Courtenay, BC. They had knitted a whack of hats, mitts and scarves for the students for Christmas. Each student was able to choose something for themselves to wear this winter. I think every Ukrainian has at least one toque, if not more!
Garry and Daneil entertaining everyone before supper.

Girls ( Oksana, Alona, Julia) making their choices.

Girls (Valentina, Leila) making their choices.

Boys (Sasha, Nickolay, Vasa) making their choices.

Boys making their choices.

Group photo.
Scott went with Garry, Max, Victor and several of the male students to tour a big dairy barn near Dnipro on Tuesday. They were gone longer than he thought and it was colder than he thought, too. He had only worn a bunny hug over his shirt, thinking it wouldn't be too cold. Oops! Unfortunately, he left the phone at home so there are no pictures, but he said it was quite clean. They were milking Brown Swiss cows, not the traditional Holstein.

Two men are here installing our hot water radiators this week. What a disarray our house is in! Everything along the outside walls must be moved so the pipes can be installed. But a few days of inconvenience will be worth it to get heat in every room!

The disarray of installing radiator heaters! We look forward to the results!


No more moving the portable heater when we have a shower!

More pictures of the completed job in our next blog.


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