Rainy weather

Posting a new blog is sometimes a challenge when it seems like you haven't done much to tell about. When studying Russian, how do you tell about it other than you are studying Russian?

Either way, we have been doing a few things other than learning Russian. We were going to put up a new blog on the weekend, but our Wifi was down from Friday until Sunday evening. From what we understand the previous Wifi carrier went bankrupt and a new provider is in place, but there were some system problems. So far we are back up and everything is fine. Since we have been back from Canada (almost 4 weeks), we have had more issues with our Wifi than before. Maybe with the one company going bankrupt that will explain some of our problems. Hopefully things will be much better from this point on.

This past Sunday, we had our first SEI (Summer English Institute) follow-up class. We hosted it at 2 pm at Morningstar Church, where we attend in Dnipro. Our numbers were down from what we thought but hopefully it will pick up next Sunday. We will meet each Sunday from this point on. We are going to be reading through the Gospel of Mark.

We have had a fair bit of rain since we have been back. In the past week, we have had about one and a half inches of rain (about 37 mls) and the ground is very wet. They have been wonderful rains as they have just been a steady but gentle rain. We recently planted grass in our back yard and this rain will be an amazing beginning, we hope. Since our return from Canada, we've had just over 2.5 inches of rain, which is great for the farmers here, although there are still some fields of sunflowers and corn yet to be combined. The forecast is for lots of sunshine, so that should be helpful.

We finished with our walkway and Shannon has been building flowerbeds before I planted grass. Shannon built a neat path across the flower bed to what will be grass at some point. We have many tulips to plant that we dug up earlier in the year. We have also been buying a few other bulbs to plant to give the flower bed some variety come Spring. Along the house we hope to get some hostas and a bleeding heart or two come Spring.
Flowerbeds with brick path to what will be grass

Flowerbed along the house for hostas and bleeding hearts next Spring
Since we have been back home, we have unwelcome guests who think it is time to move back in before winter. We have mice in the attic. We are doing our best to set up some traps and give them some tasty food to chew on. We have also been putting some mouse bait out in the garage and shed in the yard to get them before they get to the house. It must be working! Yeah! We could hear them running around in the attic, but the last couple of days, it has gotten very quiet and hopefully it stays that way.


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