Leila's birthday, Thanksgiving and new grass

Not much exciting has happened in the last 10 days. The biggest heart-pumping occurrence was that one of our roosters has discovered his wings and got out of the pen! We were able to chase him around and back in through the gate. We moved the feeder away from the chicken house because that was how he made it up on the roof. In the evening when they went in to roost, we clipped their wings so it won't happen again!

Last week Garry made chocolate cake for Leila's (one of the students) birthday. We walked down to the classroom to sing "happy birthday" and have a piece of cake with the students.

Leila's birthday

We had a late Thanksgiving supper with our English Small Group - other Canadian and American missionaries from Zaporizhia - at our house. It was a planned potluck meal and then we played a game.

Thanksgiving with friends

English Club continues Sunday afternoons. I will try to remember to take a picture this week! We had a new lady join us last Sunday. We are encouraged by the participation as we study the gospel of Mark.

On Monday we will have the Hope For Each students in for our second meal and devotional. Scott is talking about what we can learn from the life of Joseph (in Genesis), how we need to trust God when life takes crazy turns and how God can use those turns for His glory, if we will let Him.

Russian lessons continue. We have finished reviewing what we studied before we went to Canada and now we are into new material. That means homework!!

Since Scott planted the grass we have had gentles rains, lots of damp, foggy days and the grass is growing well. The flowerbeds have been established and the tulips and irises have been planted. Now we just have to wait until spring to see how beautiful it will be! We will have before and after pictures in the next newsletter.
The yard has a new look with the grass catching on

Shannon has planted different plants, 'Mums' and many bulbs

Another view of the grass catching well


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