Vancouver Island

After 10 days with family and friends in Red Deer, we flew to Vancouver and took the ferry to Nanaimo.

One of the ferries at Tsawwassen Terminal, Vancouver

Jordan met us at the ferry terminal and drove us to their home where we got to meet our new granddaughter, Artemis Luna Crawford, who was born on August 10th. Both Hannah and Artemis are doing well.

Jordan, Hannah and Artemis getting ready to go home from the hospital!

Nana and Papa with Artemis

Some snuggle time

Watching her sleep

Over the weekend we spent a day and a half in Courtenay/Comox visiting friends and family and speaking in the Central Evangelical Free Church in Courtenay. A group of ladies there have been busily knitting hats, scarves and mitts for the students at Hope For Each for Christmas. Our suitcase is very full! I'm sure that the students will be excited to wear these gifts of love.

After we returned the rental car we enjoyed a walk through Bowen Park.

Bowen Park, Nanaimo

Bowen Park, Nanaimo
Jordan and Hannah have been showing us a few of their favorite spots. There are many picturesque views! This afternoon we are going on a hike together.
Nanaimo marina
Neck Point

Looking for sea shells
A view of the harbour
At Englishman River Falls Provincial Park
Englishman River Falls
Hiking around Englishman River Falls
Someone has been busy building!

Yesterday was a momentous day as we were able to attend Jordan's Call to the Bar ceremony at the Nanaimo Courthouse. He is really enjoying his work at Heath Law here in Nanaimo. He has taken some time off work to be at home with Hannah and Artemis, and he is really enjoying that!
Call to the Bar ceremony
Happy smiles!
Artemis is a very content little girl and is sleeping longer at night, so both parents are getting more sleep these days! The cats haven't really warmed up to her yet, but it won't take long, I'm sure.
Artemis with her eyes open!

Tomorrow we take the ferry back to Vancouver and fly to Edmonton and then we spend a couple of days in Lloydminster. The big job there will be packing everything into our suitcases!! I don't anticipate having a problem, though. Our flight back to Ukraine is Monday at 1:10 pm from Edmonton.

We have had a great time these past 6 weeks! Being able to read signs and menus, singing in English and reconnect in person with family and friends has been such a blessing! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement as we continue on this journey with the Lord. We couldn't do it without you!

Now back to learning Russian! Thank you for your prayers!


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