September's almost gone!

We've been back in Ukraine for just over two weeks and things are settling into a routine again, kind of. A bit of fall work in the garden and yard is happening, we are waiting for the pears to be ready to pick and we are patiently checking for the one or two fresh eggs that our hens produce almost everyday.

The weather is great - about 15 to 20 degrees Celsius - fantastic for being outside. We have been incorporating a brisk walk most mornings, trying to avoid the "cow parade" at 7:00! I wonder how much longer they will be making the daily trek to the pasture? Then we won't have to be so aware of where to put our feet!!

We have been doing a lot of review in our Russian lessons. Ten weeks without lessons means that a lot has been forgotten! If you think of it, please pray for our brains to recall all that we have learned in the past months.

On Sunday afternoon we were guest speakers at Lena's English class. We talked about our family, moving to Ukraine and then Scott talked about integrity, his topic for SEI classes in July. The students asked lots of questions! There were 27 students in that small room. There is not much room for more!

Lena's English class

We have been doing a little plumbing repair in the second bathroom. The sink drain has had a small leak since we moved in so we took it apart, added a new part, added a bit of silicone and put it back together a few times, but still it leaks. We will try again soon! There has also been an unfriendly odour in there and we discovered that the silicone around the floor drain had let go. That has now been fixed. No more smell!

We have started to make the path through the back yard to the garden yesterday and today. Tonight while we were in Zaprozhzhia we bought landscaping mesh to put down before adding sand and gravel tomorrow. In the next few weeks we hope to replace the lovely green weeds with grass if we can find a hardy variety of seed. We also have to replant all of the tulip bulbs that we dug up this summer. Envisioning future flowerbeds is so much easier than making them a reality!

The back yard before the path

Path in progress

We are making contacts with SEI students for follow-up classes. So far it seems that Sunday afternoon will work the best for the most people. We will be studying the Gospel of Mark. We will meet at our church in Dnipro. Sunday will be a long day for us. We usually leave by 9:30 (earlier if we need anything at Nova Linyia, the building/housewares store), church goes from 10;30 to 12:30 or 1:00 and then there is fellowship with a light snack, SEI class from 3:00 to maybe 4:30 and then stop at Metro for groceries on our way out of the city. We should get home by 7:00 ish, maybe...


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