Grandchildren, visiting churches and friends

Sorry that it has been a while since we lasted updated our blog. Since we landed we have put on a lot of miles visiting family, friends and churches. One of the reasons that we returned to Canada for holidays is because we had a new granddaughter on the way and she was born on August 10 in Nanaimo, BC. Her name is Artemis (Artie) Luna Crawford. We will fly out on August 29 and spend one week with them, getting to know Artie.

It is so different being back in Canada where we will travel hours to get somewhere. In Ukraine, other than our trip to Krivoy Rog in May, most of our trips are no longer than 55 kms one way.

We have visited three churches to date: Imperial, Meadow Lake and Cut Knife. It has been a  privilege to share what God is doing in our lives and ministry in Ukraine and the anticipation of what all is coming. As we share, we continually recognize the faithfulness of our amazing God! We are excited to return to Ukraine and begin our follow-up English classes in early October.

We have also had the blessing of visiting with people who are supporting us financially and in prayer. We could not be in Ukraine without the T.E.A.M. God has surrounded us with! We have made connections in all of the churches we have visited as well as meeting with people in Saskatoon, Lloydminster and Edmonton. In our last three weeks, we also have others who we are going to connect with. What a blessing to be able to sit down face to face with people who have impacted our lives for many years.

We have caught up with all of our parents so far except for Shannon's Mom, who we hope will make the trip to Red Deer. We spent 10 days with our daughter Lindsay and her family in Lloydminster and are now in Red Deer for 10 days visiting our daughter Rachelle and her kids before we head to Nanaimo for one week. We will then return to Lloydminster for our last three days.
Sydney, Spencer and Nana

Making peanut butter pie, Spencer's favorite. It's delicious!

Icing sugar cookies.

More icing.

Papa and Melania playing Spot It!

Emerson and Nana

Sam and Barrett

Making Melania into a Mermaid

Mermaid completed

We have been a little bit hit and miss with our blog recently and will probably do one more before we leave for Ukraine on September 9. We will publish our August newsletter and hopefully that will keep you up to date on our lives until we settle back into our home in Ukraine.


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