Easter Monday was a holiday of sorts. No classes for the students, a guest speaker from Youth For Christ, and we had guests for supper. We did yard work until it was time to go to the school to hear Steve share with the students. They played a few games before Steve shared a message about how God loves each one and how we can love Him back. After a few more games, all the ministry personnel had supper (ham, scalloped potatoes and cheesecake) at our house.

Games with the students

More games

Steve sharing with the students

Games after supper on Easter Monday
We worked at putting up the fence in the front yard. Scott dug 10 holes and then we made cement and hauled it in the wheel barrow to solidify the posts. Things worked out well - the posts are firmly where they need to be!

Working on our fence

Mixing cement for fence posts

Making sure the posts are straight

I scraped half of the porch floor and painted it Friday morning before we left for Krivoy Rog Friday afternoon. We had a little hiccup as we prepared to leave for the weekend: the power was off! Sponge baths became the order of the day. Oh, well. Be flexible or be miserable. We got cleaned up and drove off on our pot hole avoiding adventure! Scott is a good driver and we did not hit any major holes.

The countryside to Krivoy Rog is nice - rolling hills with crisp colours of green and yellow. The canola is blooming, the winter wheat is up nicely, even heading out in places, and some corn is up.

Canola blooming
We arrived in Krivoy Rog around 4:15, so we stopped at a grocery store and bought an ice cream treat, which we ate in the car while we waited for the rain to stop, which it did, so we walked around the playground near the store. The sun came out and it was very pleasant to stretch our legs after the car ride.

Church in Krivoy Rog

Shannon getting some exercise

Play Park in Krivoy Rog - lots of people out with families
We enjoyed our time with Daryl and Molly Porter, the EFCCM Europe Directors. We attended their weekly English Club Saturday afternoon starting at 1:00. Twenty-four people squeezed into their apartment to play games, have an English lesson, a Bible lesson, and enjoy snacks together. The last guest left just before 7:00 pm!

English Club

English Club
We went to church with Daryl and Molly and got to see the work that has been finished in the smaller of their two buildings. It is very well done! After church, we had a light lunch and chatted with people. Then there were games - Phase 10, Dutch Blitz, and video games (for the little kids). We arrived home about 6:30 to check on the chickens and look at the flowers before relaxing for the evening.

Church banner "Our Goal - Love God, Love people, Be more like Jesus"
Church service in Krivoy Rog

Main church at Krivoy Rog with lots of interior work to do


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