Another week has gone and a new one is in store. For many of you, last week was when you celebrated Good Friday and yesterday, Easter Sunday, when we celebrate the resurrection of our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ.
Thank you Jesus for Your amazing love and sacrifice!
Yesterday in Ukraine was Palm Sunday and next Sunday is Easter. We get two weeks to remember what Jesus did for us on a cross almost 2000 years ago when He died to pay the price for our sins. Thank you Jesus!
Last Tuesday, Shannon and I went to a neighboring community called
Солоне (Solonne). We picked up some new chicken feeders and waters as the chicks are getting bigger and they are going to make a move to their new home later in the week.
As we drove in and out of
Солоне, they have a cross set up as you enter the community. It is similar to other places with its style. You will notice that it has a lower bar and that one side points up and one side points down. If I remember right, it represents the two criminals who were crucified on either side of Jesus. One of the thieves repented (Jesus said, "Today, you will be with Me in Paradise), while the other criminal continued to mock Jesus. The bar at the bottom of the cross points to their destinations - one went to be with Jesus to Paradise, while the other one went to Hell.
The cross at Солоне |
Earlier in the week as we were getting ready to move the chicks, we had a day of very nice rain, about 7/10. The rain took most of the day to come down. I went to check on the shed and there was a lot of rain coming inside. The roofing is a cement panel and it had some holes and there was major dripping inside. A lot of the problem stemmed from all the dirt, junk and trash that was on top of the roof. Later in the week we worked to clean it off and it should make a big difference at the next rain. The chicks are now moved and we are glad to have them out of our porch!
Just prior to moving |
Moved! Yea! |
With the rains, the tulips are doing well as you can see in our pictures. We also have some fern peonies we think, as well as seven established peony plants.
Tulips with dandelions in the back ground |
A little closer in |
And closer again |
We continue to work with our Russian lessons. There are many small words that I (Scott) am having trouble sorting out. Shannon helped out by giving me a lot of little quizzes this past week and that has helped, but there is a long ways to go. On Saturday, we went for a walk with Ulzana to her pastor's home to meet him and his family and to practice our Russian. They know little English and we know very little Russian, so Ulzana did a lot of interpreting.
Before we moved the chicks, we finished tearing down an old shed that was collapsing. We were able to salvage some boards to replace rafters in the shed that holds the chicks. Some of the other boards, we were able to cut up and set aside for firewood. We haven't used our fire-pit yet, but we can anytime.
Dismantling and cutting out firewood |
Near the end |
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