Bowling, ladybugs, incubator and more...

Since we last did our blog, many things have happened. Bowling, three Russian lessons, yard work and more.

Last Wednesday morning, we took the students to Zaporosia to go bowling. Everyone had a great time and we were home in time for a late lunch. It is different bowling than what we are used to in Canada. They have 10 pin bowling and the bowling balls are a handful! Takes some getting used to, but I do better in 10 pin against Shannon; 5 pin is where she usually beats me easily.

Dima, Sasha and Shannon

Dima and Julia

Max (works for Garry) and his wife Yulia and son Mafew

Garry & Teresa and Vika

We have had two more Russian lessons in the past week. We are both very encouraged with Ulzana teaching us. She is very challenging, but it feels like we are starting to get a bit more understanding  each time. Shannon still catches on much better than me, but then she helps me to understand. So I am blessed to have two good teachers.

Sunday evening we had Kolya and Oxana for supper along with Nelly who is our interpreter. We felt that sharing a meal together would be an opportunity to get to know one another better and we hope to continue to do this once a week.

Today (Wednesday) was an absolutely wonderful day. It got up to 12 C, with hardly any wind. We have been doing a bit of yard work that past couple of days, but then it was also very windy. Today, we headed out doors and spent a lot of time doing more clean-up. Some of the pictures will show you that we have our work cut out for us, but it is one day at a time.

In the morning, we changed from winter to summer tires. We are hoping that snow is part of the past and we can move forward into Spring. There are many flowers coming through - tulips, daffodils, crocuses and many of the trees are filling out their buds.

This morning Shannon also started her peppers so that they can be ready to move outside in a couple of months.

Our main focus today was on cleaning out some trees as we have some chicks on the way. They are in an incubator at Garry and Teresa's and should hatch by the end of the month. We will keep them in our porch for a little while and then move them out to a shed in the back. We are cleaning an outside area for them to run around. There is an old shed we also have to tear down, but that is for another day. Tomorrow we hope to have the trees cleaned out and then we can fence it. The chickens running around our village (they literally do) are all colors. Our chickens will have a fenced in run among the trees as we don't want them fertilizing our yard at their discretion.


Chicks in about 3 weeks

The chickens will be both for meat, but also for eggs. We hope that we can have eggs available for others at Hope For Each and keep some of their food costs down.  We are looking forward to having colorful chickens and fresh farm eggs.

The chicken run. Gives them shade in the summer.

The back of the yard with fruit trees

More fruit trees and weeds

More clean-up in the fruit trees

...and more weeds

Clean-up around the house

Ladybugs that showed up while cleaning the trees

Dirt that needs to be cleaned up

Needles likes riding high

Storage shed and chicken coop (door on right)

Shed to tear down

Wagon full of trash to go to the dump
We might take some pictures of the chicken run tomorrow. The change was huge from when we first started, but it was starting to get dark when we came inside.



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