
A few new things have been happening lately. Garry was sad to have missed out on the first one - we got stopped at the Police Check Point on the way to Dnipro Sunday morning. This is a routine happening on the Ukrainian highways. Garry has been stopped often, but it took 2.5 months for Scott to be pulled over. The officer waved his little reflector stick at us and we pulled over to the side of the road. When he realized that we had no clue what he was saying, he smiled and waved us on! Not too traumatic, but momentous none the less.

The second things was that Vova stopped in one afternoon with a lady from the village who is a young school teacher looking to improve her English. She is willing to help us with our Russian, so it is a win-win situation. We had our first lesson with her on Thursday. We'll do a few weeks to see how it goes. We are her first 'official' students.

On Tuesday, we went to the classroom to take pictures of each student in preparation of a Valentine's gift. We did a group photo at the end. Getting everyone to look at the camera and smile at the same time is like herding cats!! We printed them off and put them in frames. I baked heart-shaped cookies and wrapped them.

Taking pictures at the classroom




Dima and Julia



Kolia and Oksana

Nikolia and Alona, and Daniel


Garry and Teresa



We delivered the pictures and cookies to Garry and Teresa's house Thursday morning before Cooking Class. They were all very excited!

Valentine's gifts

Valentine's gifts

Wednesday we went with Garry and several students to a small agriculture show in Zaprozia. Garry had created a photo scavenger hunt for the students. Scott and I worked on it, too. It was interesting to see what he had taken pictures of when he scouted out the show the day before! I got my picture taken in a John Deere tractor!

The "holstein" truck

On a John Deere

The Farm Show

The Farm Show

The back road out of the village was an experience!! I hope we don't have to take that route any time soon!! We certainly won't be driving our car on that road!

The back road out of the village

A view as we crossed the dam going into Zaprozia

Zaprozia is built near a dam on the Dnipro river and one of the roads into the city goes over the dam. On a good day, you can see men fishing off the side. It is a LONG way to the water. I wonder how many fish get away on the way up?


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