Kiev Farm Show

Last Wednesday, we left early in the morning with Garry & Teresa to head to the Farm Show in Kiev. We got on the 7 am train in Dnipro and spent the next 6 hours on the train. On the way we took a picture of some trees where Mistletoe is growing in the trees and will ultimately kill them. The problem is worse as you go towards Kiev.

Mistletoe in the trees

It was too late to go the Farm Show on Wednesday, so we went downtown to where the Euro-Maidan demonstrations took place in 2014. This was the rally that began in late 2013 and into 2014 because the government decided not to sign documents that would have brought them into associate membership with the European Union. Before the pro-Russian government was brought down, over 100 people were shot and killed. The President at the time fled the country to Russia and new elections took place. There are Presidential elections coming up in March 2019 and it is worthy of spending time in prayer for the right person to lead Ukraine in the right path.

Website of Euro Maidan

Central gathering area of Euro-Maidan

While downtown in Kiev, we went to a church with a bell tower that had been constructed in the 11th century. We went inside the church and you marvel at the construction of a large building like this done centuries ago. We then went back to our hotel, went out for pizza(Dominos) and met in the morning for breakfast and made our way to the Farm Show.
Bell tower - 208 steps to the top

Looking up from the second level

Going into the subway we rode on escalators that are incredibly long as you go down. The website says the subway is 105 meters or 346 feet underground and that they escalator is 800 meters long. From the middle of the ride, you cannot see the top or the bottom. As we boarded the subway Thursday morning, we found out what sardines must feel like. There was absolutely no room for personal space as it was beyond cozy. By the time we got to the Farm Show, we were able to sit down.

The long escalators

This Farm Show is very large and my only comparison is Agribition and the Farm Progress Show in Regina, SK. Kiev has lots of exhibits and it was always good to find someone who spoke English. We looked at many things that would be relevant to the farm we are on. Garry has been doing more irrigation in the corn over the past couple of years using a drip irrigation system. This year they have purchased an irrigation gun to irrigate the hay. They usually get four cuts of hay in one year and this year he has cut back the hay acreage because of irrigation. Garry plans to get substantially more hay from less acres and a better quality hay because it will get regular moisture.

We left the Farm Show by mid-afternoon as our train for Dnipro was leaving at 5:30 pm for the 6 hour ride. When we got into McDonalds by the train station, we found out that someone had gone through Shannon's backpack as two zippers were open as well as her cosmetic bag inside. There was nothing missing as I was carrying our passports and all the money. We thought we were being careful, but whoever checked through Shannon's belongings was good. We need to look for a backpack like Teresa's that can only be opened when taken off.

Garry wants Shannon to make some of these with two pockets for milking time


Shannon likes her combines


Canadian equipment


A picture of a picture
Part of our past
We are continuing to work at cleaning our yard and have a Russian lesson later today.


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