Kiev Farm Show

Last Wednesday, we left early in the morning with Garry & Teresa to head to the Farm Show in Kiev. We got on the 7 am train in Dnipro and spent the next 6 hours on the train. On the way we took a picture of some trees where Mistletoe is growing in the trees and will ultimately kill them. The problem is worse as you go towards Kiev. Mistletoe in the trees It was too late to go the Farm Show on Wednesday, so we went downtown to where the Euro-Maidan demonstrations took place in 2014. This was the rally that began in late 2013 and into 2014 because the government decided not to sign documents that would have brought them into associate membership with the European Union. Before the pro-Russian government was brought down, over 100 people were shot and killed. The President at the time fled the country to Russia and new elections took place. There are Presidential elections coming up in March 2019 and it is worthy of spending time ...