Stretching our brains

Oh, if there was any easier way to learn a new language! To be able to download it or put in a flash-drive would be much easier, but then again, how might that grow us as God intends? The key is to take it one day at a time and know when you need a break. It's hard to be patient when we live in a world that drives us to want everything right now.

One of Shannon's ways of relaxing is doing puzzles. We (mainly Shannon) finished a 1500 piece puzzle that had a picture from Bern, Switzerland. Maybe one day we can go there and take a picture from that same location. That would be pretty neat.
The completed puzzle
Most of the housework is done, at least on the inside. Shannon is cleaning around and prepping the windows to run a bead of caulking around them to keep any unwanted drafts out.

On Saturday, we were able to call our granddaughter Emme and wish her happy birthday as she celebrated her 7th birthday. We are so thankful for modern technology that allows us to not only call each other, but to see one another. Pretty neat!

Scott took a picture the other day as we were walking towards church. The snow was hanging over the building and you wouldn't want to be walking under it if it fell as it was fairly thick. As he took the picture, a lady walked by and looked back at us and Shannon said, " I think she thinks you are crazy!" Some may say that there is no thinking required. Maybe so, but I thought it was neat picture.

Don't walk under here!

We went for a walk yesterday to get water at the store (4 - 6 litre jugs), but found out that they were doing inventory, so we just got a good walk out of it. It is probably close to 1 mile round trip. Well today was a beautiful +5 C (sorry to those enduring the frozen Prairies right now), so we made the walk again and we were able to get our water. We did this trek one other time and by the time you get home, your arms feels like they have stretched (we forgot what it felt like). I think we will take the car from now on.

When we got home, we started to clean off our driveway a bit. There is actually asphalt on our driveway and with the warmer weather, the icy snow was breaking down in some areas. We both love messing with thawing snow and cleaning things up and with the forecast calling for a week of +5-7 C, it seemed like a good time to try and expose some asphalt and try and clean off our driveway. We enjoyed being outside and got a lot done and tomorrow, we will do some more hopefully.

We are working away at the Russian language and the other day learned the numbers from 1-31. You might wonder why those numbers, but we really enjoy playing crib, or cribbage, and you count from 1-31. We are trying to do our counting in Russian so as to lock the numbers in place in our brains. We may as well have some fun with it if we can and this should help us a lot.

Yesterday and today, we got a couple of encouraging emails from a couple of guys about the Russian language. What they said was very encouraging and breathed hope. They recommended some learning styles or techniques that we will try. One thing they said is that we need to learn to celebrate the small victories when they come. Sometimes we have to laugh at our mistakes. Today as we were walking for water, Scott wanted to say 'Hi' to a elderly man walking and instead said "Thank you" in Russian rather than "Hi." Maybe we made him smile too.


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