Learning the Russian language

One of our main things to do right now is to learn the Russian language. We have had two lessons with a tutor and it is challenging to say the least (from Scott's perspective). One person said that they don't envy us and that is because it is a very difficult language to learn. The alphabet is 33 letters and many of them look the same as ours, but that doesn't mean they sound the same. Learning a new language is definitely a brain stretching exercise.

Studying Russian

One of the ways to give us a break, is to make a puzzle, although Shannon is the main one working on it. It is a beautiful landscape photo from Bern, Switzerland. Maybe one day we will visit this location and take a picture ourselves.

The chief puzzle maker

The sometimes reluctant puzzle maker

The puzzle is coming together
Once a week, we walk out to the dairy barn and get some fresh milk. Scott is not a big milk drinker, but Shannon was raised milking a cow and has thoroughly enjoyed the farm milk. It is a good way for us to also get some exercise as it would be about a mile round trip. To get an ice cream maker would bring Scott's enjoyment of farm milk to a whole new level ;)

Sunday after church, we had lunch at church. A family and their five children are moving to Calgary, Alberta. What a huge move! They made a meal for us called Plov and it was amazing! We got the recipe and will be making it soon!

After lunch, we went with Garry to his English class with Leana and her students. There are over 30 crammed into a small room. See the picture.

Garry's English class

After the class we spent 1.5 hours with Leana doing a lesson on the Russian language. As much as the Russian language is a challenge and it isn't going to stop being a challenge any time soon, we know how crucial it is to being effective in ministry here in Ukraine. Shannon shared with me this morning how Jesus responded to the leper's request, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus reached out His hand and TOUCHED the man..." and he was immediately cured of his leprosy. Shannon said that we also need to be willing to touch people, some how, some way. The first way that we can touch people here is by learning their language! We appreciate your prayers as we study and learn the language.

We have our Hope For Each team meetings every Thursday after lunch. Scott has been leading devotionals and he challenged each of us to read a chapter a day from the Book of Proverbs throughout January so that we can discuss what God is saying to us at our meetings.

Yesterday, Teresa Verhoog arrived back in Ukraine from Canada and she came bearing gifts. Our daughter in Lloydminster had put together a small package of essentials from Canada [Hawkins Cheezies and some other snacks :); there were other things also.] But what was also in the package from Canada was a small wrapped gift from our children and their families. We opened it to find a picture book full of family pictures. What an amazing gift and lots of memories! We will treasure this picture book! A BIG thank you to our family for putting this together for us!!

We were able to do a video call with Spencer who just turned 8 yesterday! Lindsay had to wake him up, but it was time to get up and get ready for school.

Garry and Teresa were able to come over and share supper with us. We spent a few hours together sharing with each other and it was good to be able to do that.

Scott is reading for the first time a book by C.S. Lewis called The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. It is a book he is looking at using in our Summer English Institute in July.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

The sun is shining here today and that is good as it rained yesterday and overnight and ice was everywhere this morning. Stay safe and be a blessing wherever you go!



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