Ups and Downs

As usual, there is a lot to fit into each week, it seems. We're returning from somewhere or planning to go somewhere else! When we finally get to Ukraine, we're not going to know what to do with all the time we spent traveling! (OK. I do know - LANGUAGE STUDY!!)

Speaking of traveling, we were in Leslieville, Alberta with our daughter and her family. The weather was great so we spent lots of time out in the yard with the grandkids. We played on the swings, flew a kite, rode bikes and went for a walk.

Sunday we shared at Bethel Union Church in Leslieville, had a relaxing afternoon and watched a few innings of our granddaughter's ball game before heading for home.

This week has been spent cleaning out the garage and closets in preparation for a trip to the Thrift Store in Saskatoon. Monday we will attend our District pastor's luncheon meeting with other EFCC pastors from around the province.

Scott has been busy at the computer working on his sermon for an upcoming Sunday and we continued to schedule appointments to share with friends and associates about our call to missions.

As a follow up to our newsletter prayer request about the Open House that our realtor held last Sunday afternoon, she reluctantly told us that no one showed up. While this is a big disappointment to us, we are not worried about it. God has been reassuring me through His Word that He takes care of those who trust Him. The right family will come along in God's timing. Meanwhile, we get to stay here longer and not live out of a suitcase in someone's spare room!

The editors of our local newspaper dropped by this week for lunch and asked us several questions about our calling to Ukraine. The article they plan to write will be in an upcoming issue of the Cut Knife Highway 40 Courier.

We will have a few days to be packing boxes next week before we begin the trek to British Columbia. Hopefully we get to enjoy a salad from the garden before we go. The spinach and radishes are looking good, as is the rhubarb!

Tomorrow we make the journey to Lac La Biche, a place we have never been before, to share in the EFC church there. Along the way we will meet with friends and acquaintances to talk about Ukraine.

Have a great weekend! Bless someone you know with a word of encouragement!

Until next time, keep counting your blessings!


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