Sights of the mountains

Our trip to British Columbia started with a stop at our daughter's in Leslieville. We gave her one day of free labour around the house and yard as she readies her house to list it. Scott spent part of the day whipper snipping and cleaning the garage while I hemmed several sets of curtains, helped with cooking and played with  the kids.

Day two saw us taking a new road. We traveled west of Rocky Mountain House and saw some beautiful scenery. First we saw what I think was some kind of crane - a tall, elegant rusty brown bird with a red cap. Then we passed Abraham Lake, where we stopped briefly for a few photos. What amazing colours!! Shortly after that we stopped to photograph some wild sheep and saw some rock climbers out enjoying the day.

Abraham Lake
A wild sheep poses for me!

Along our journey we meet so many interesting people and that continued in Salmon Arm. Our hosts, Jack and Trish, made us feel right at home and shared their experiences of many trips  to Ukraine. They invited a group of friends to join us for lunch after church today. We had great conversations about Ukraine and what God is doing.

New friends and good food!

A special surprise was seeing Esther, one of my roommates from Summer English Institute in Dnepro last year! She drove 2.5 hours to be at Salmon Arm to see us and she brought us some delicious fresh strawberries! What a blessing!

After visiting a friend in Armstrong whom we met in California, we ended our day with Scott's cousin and her family at Paddle Wheel Park in Vernon for a picnic.

Tomorrow, it is onward to Victoria!

Enjoy the sunshine and may you be sunshine to others!

Until next time, keep counting your blessings.


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