
We have met many new people this week in Manitoba! Manitoba licence plates says, "friendly Manitoba" and we have found that to be true. We have enjoyed warm hospitality and much generosity wherever we've been.

We had some really good conversations with people Saturday evening and Sunday morning at Winnipeg EFC. Monday we went for a long walk in Assiniboine Park. The weather was fantastic! We saw a very interesting tree and put on a few miles on the trails. We had lunch with Pastor Dave and then stayed for a short time at the Maranatha EFC and observed their many volunteers in their Food Bank ministry.

In Steinbach we met some of the team that had been to Ukraine this spring to work on our house. We got to drive out to the Verhoog dairy farm and meet some of Garry and Teresa's family . Garry gave us a tour of the farm and we drove around the countryside to see some of their fields, some of which had been planted to corn already.

Today we are off to Boissevain to meet friends we met at Gleanings for the Hungry (YWAM) in California. We will also meet with friends in Deloraine before making our way to Wolseley, SK for church on Sunday.

Until next time, keep counting your blessings!


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