Change of Plans

Our friend, Dan, once said, "Write your plans in pencil and give God the eraser."

That's what happened this week! We had planned to be in Manitoba making connections and building our support TEAM, but God obviously had a different idea. The really cool thing is that we recognized this right away and we weren't even frustrated!

So with the unexpected extra days we were able to get several things done. We (mostly Scott!) got all of the yard work done. Tomorrow we hope to plant some of the garden.

The birds are back. It's so nice to hear something other than magpies!! The farmers are starting to get out on the land. I'll bet they're excited! Yesterday, out our window we watched field work being done and after supper we saw hundreds of geese enjoying the freshly exposed food!

I was able to get quite a bit of sewing done for my customers and I got 2 last-minute calls to sub for the secretaries at our local schools.

Scott was able to hand out brochures (thank you Nic of Kingdom Mind Media for your fantastic work!) and talk to several people in town about the mission work in Ukraine.

Our speaking schedule is one email away from full! The pastor will get back to us next week. Another church has asked if we have any Sundays available. We are in awe of how God is orchestrating this preparation time and how our support is coming in!

Saturday we are off to Brandon and then Winnipeg for the Missions Conference at the Winnipeg Evangelical Free Church (500 Lagimodiere Blvd. 7:00 pm Saturday and 9:00 am Sunday). Then we will be meeting with individuals in southern Manitoba before making our way to Wolseley, SK to speak on Sunday, May 13th (10:30 am at New Life Church, 100 Cedar St.).

Enjoy the sunshine and warm days!

Until next time, keep counting your blessings.


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