Birthday party!

Saturday, April 14 was a beautiful, sunny day, perfect for celebrating a milestone birthday with friends. We drove to Fullerton, CA (Los Angeles, really) with a friend to celebrate Russ' 100th birthday with about 250 other people!

Russ was enjoying every minute, smiling and laughing, getting his picture taken hundreds of times during the afternoon. Friends gathered from all across the continent for the special occasion.

We met Russ and his wife, Carole, five years ago at Gleanings for the Hungry and became fast friends. Phone calls, emails and visits are part of our relationship with them. They are an example to us of caring, serving others and trusting the Lord. They are a big blessing to us.

Our time at Gleanings was too short!! We enjoyed visiting with old friends, meeting new ones and serving alongside others to meet the needs of the less fortunate around the world. We were able to share about our call to missions in Ukraine with the folks at Gleanings. We were so encouraged by the prayer we received after our presentations, and by the endorsement of the leadership encouraging the volunteers to support us, and by words of encouragement from the people who heard us share. We want to thank Fritz and Cindy for the opportunity they gave us to share our hearts with the volunteers who came to Gleanings.

We shared at Wellspring Christian Center in Dinuba, CA on Sunday morning where we were once again so encouraged by the response and prayers of the people. We are truly blessed! It was wonderful to reconnect with friends.

Our journey home was smooth, although somewhat shorter than we had planned! Scott got a call on Monday from the mayor of Cut Knife asking him to speak at a vigil being held in Cut Knife on Friday, April 20th in support of the Humboldt Broncos hockey team. We had planned to arrive home Friday afternoon or evening, but Scott felt that this opportunity to speak life into hurting people's lives was too important to pass up. We drove home in two longs days instead of three shorter days.

People were praying for us as we traveled and for Scott as he shared today at the vigil. It was good to be part of our community as we came together in support of strangers who are hurting and grieving. I think Scott shared very well about the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

Tomorrow it is back to regular life - in other words, laundry, grocery shopping, etc. You know, the things that don't happen by themselves! Sunday will find us speaking in Meadow Lake at the Evangelical Free Church, 913 5th Ave. W. at 10:45 am. After that we may drive to Shellbrook to take in an Elim Church choir concert.

Have a great weekend.

Keep counting your blessings!


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