Lots of different things going on

Sorry that it has been a while since our last post. We have been studying Russian, painting the porch floor, doing lots of gardening, yard work, digging tulips, setting our chickens free to roam in their own personal park, tuning up an old lawn mower, a wiener roast and birthday party with the students, hanging a fence, burning some more tree branches and moving gravel. Lots going on and sometimes writing a blog is the last thing on our mind. When we arrived here in November, there was a lot of things in our porch and slowly but surely, it has been emptied out and cleaned out. Shannon decided to paint the floor and it looks amazing! She did a great job as she did each half at a time. The paint smell was incredibly strong and we don't have any windows that open, but hopefully we can remedy that at some point. It would also be great to allow some of the summer heat to escape. New coat of paint and a deep freeze Something we have started to do i...