Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday follows the Orthodox tradition and in Ukraine was one week later than in North America. Remembering what Jesus has done for us in always a positive when we remember the amazing sacrifice what God, through Jesus, has made available for us if we will reach out in repentance and accept His amazing act of love in dying for our sins. God's love transforms us each day and shapes us into the image of Jesus! This is God's plan for our lives! Our Easter Sunday began with attending an Easter Sunrise Service along the Dnieper River in Dnipro where we joined with another EFCC church. Nineteen of us gathered that morning to read Scriptures (Matthew 26-28), sing some songs and share God's Word. Singing songs Sharing at the Sunrise service A group picture Looking across the Dnieper River On Friday, Pastor Andrey had asked if I would be willing to share a short message. Pastor Andrey interpreted for me yesterday and it was a p...