Learning Russian, preparing for SEI and more yard work

Learning Russian continues to progress even though it seems it is a snail's pace! Ulzana has us each doing different things as I could no longer keep up with Shannon's pace and I felt like I was drowning trying to keep up. I am doing more basic stuff with a lot of repetition. When I work on it for an extended period, I can definitely see the difference that all the repetition makes. Now I just have to keep working at it, although July will be a different pace as Summer English Institute (SEI) is less than two weeks away from beginning. So there is lots going on and there is a short time to get it done, especially with SEI looming close. We both have a good handle on the topic we will teach on, but right now there is a lot of bones, so to speak, and we need to get some flesh on them bones so that SEI can be an enjoyable time of meeting new people and seeing how the teaching can impact their lives. As we continue to work on the yard, we are getting there. There was big pile o...