A Slight Change in Plans

Sorry for such a long delay from our last post. We have talked about it at different times, but stuff and things to do come along and it gets postponed. We purchased a 40 foot Seacan container to store our belongings and car in and it needed some TLC. We did a lot of grinding and sanding as we found some leaks in the roof and a few other issues. We got all of that finished before the snow arrived a few days later. We are pretty much ready for when the time will come to put the car inside. We have had a challenging fall for the farmers, but Scott was able to get a couple of days in helping Jim and Karen and you can see his view from the combine. Scott's view from the combine On Thanksgiving Monday, harvest was halted with 4-6 inches of snow. It made for an interesting drive to see our daughter Lindsay and her family in Lloydminster that day. Driving was a challenge, but it was much better as we came back later that day. This upcoming week looks like the weather the farme...