The end of July
We returned from New Norway Sunday evening (July 22) to discover that hail had passed through the area! Fields and gardens, including ours, were beaten down to varying degrees. Our lettuce and rhubarb took the biggest hits, but the flowers and tomatoes also sustained some damage. Hopefully, the path of destruction wasn't too wide and long. Hail damaged lettuce Shredded rhubarb We spent Monday, July 23 to Saturday, July 28 at Living Waters Camp taking in the Family Camp. The guest speakers shared God's Word very clearly and powerfully! We were challenged and encouraged to be diligent to live out our faith every day, not just on Sundays. It was great to reconnect with old friends, sit around a bon fire talking about God, and get lots of rest. Scott was able to get in a game of softball in the annual Campers vs. Pastors game. Sadly, the Pastors lost out by 2 runs. A morning walk to the Camp gate Shellbrook Pentecostal Assembly and Parkside Pe...